" !"
Once upon a time, there was a little rain cloud. Actually, it wasn't
much of a rain cloud, because it was always happy, and it just didn't
feel like getting all the nice people down there all wet.
The other clouds started to get offended by this, and for a while all they did was rumble about it to themselves. Then one of the kinder clouds decided that it should take the little cloud aside and give it a stern talking to.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" the veteran cloud thundered. "You're a rain cloud! You rain. That's your purpose in life." On the bigger cloud went, just storming away, and the little cloud began to get upset. The little cloud then started to cry, and the big cloud, realizing that this was just a little cloud, and very new to the way things work, felt badly.
"There, there," the big cloud tried to comfort the little cloud. "Come on now, dry those tears." It handed the little cloud a handkerchief, which the little cloud accepted and dabbed it at the corner of its eyes causing it to be completely absorbed into the handkerchief.
The End