Lately, I've been thinking about death.

I haven't been brooding on it or anything. And I certainly haven't been considering it as a lifestyle change. I am still firmly of the opinion that no matter what can possibly go wrong, death still sucks more.

Nevertheless, there have been some weirdisms lately that have me thinking about the whole metaphysical world.

Recently, a friend of mine sent out a request for friends to describe what she was like.

What better timing, I thought. I can tie this in to my tirade, and give you a glimpse into how I perceive others. Check out Cara's Eulogy.

Also recently, I went to my barber, which some of you are quite familiar with. Bruce Martz owns and operates the White Star Barber Shop on King at Dupont. The store has been open for quite some time, as Bruce is close to if not just past 60, and his father ran the store before he did.

Bruce remembers you. He remembers your hair, and he remembers the hair of the guys that you came in with. Bruce remembers your father's hair if you're from around here.

Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning Bruce is because he is the centre of the goings on about town. While you're sitting in the chair, he fills you in on who that guy was that just left, or more relavant to the discussion, what happened to that guy that used to come in here.

On my last visit, just such a question was raised. Matter of factly, Bruce told the asker that the gentlemen in question had passed away. I don't remember much about who this guy was, save for the fact that he had a good head of hair.

Now in my mind, this is probably as good a way to remember someone as any other. There are an awful lot of dead people out there. Most of them had less than a negligible impact on my life. Even someone relatively famous like Sir Frederick Grant Banting (who discovered insulin with that guy1) didn't really have a direct impact on me.

Perhaps Barbers should replace the Priesthood at funerals. Bruce could walk up to the body, make the sign of the shears, then tell us about what the recently decesead did during life, and if he had a nice head of hair. It keeps growing for a short while after you die. Maybe Bruce could then give the deceased one last cut, so he looked really sharp in the afterlife.

1 You know, whatshisname.